Tony 7th February 2019

I am proud to have Mick as my father in law for the past 7 years and in that relatively short time I can safely say he left a lasting impression on me. Mick seemed to me to be a shining example of quiet strength and dignity. Mick was also a wise man, always ready to impart words of advice usually based upon his own life experience and if you followed Micks advice you were unlikely to go too far wrong. Micks stories are the stuff of legend but you had to be wary because it was often hard to tell one of his stories from one of his jokes, such was micks ability to deliver a joke with all the detail of a life story until the punch line revealed you had been completely suckered in. Everyone who met Mick will remember Mick, he had a way of connecting with people that was more than just likability. You always knew in your heart you could trust Mick and he wouldn't let you down. Mick had an inner strength which I will always admire and fought hard with dignity and humor right until the end. Mick, you had my respect and admiration from the first day I met you and you will have it until my last day on earth. I only wish I had shared that with you while I had the chance but I hope you knew that anyway and certainly hope you do now. Rest in peace Mick and don't cause too much trouble. Lots Of Love, Tony